A captivating new book of images and texts (or should we say, charms?) has appeared under the appropriate title of Verbomancy. A new kind of inverse prophecy appears here by means of a strange game. Rather than simply combine images and text in a predictable manner, Sasha Vlad began by finding or creating images [...]

2023-04-21T22:30:27+00:00April 14th, 2023|Games, News|


You’d have thought what with all the attention over the years, the surrealists would have pretty much hit the bottom in terms of “enlargements” for certain films. Surely Edna Romney’s 1948 cacklefest The Corridor of Mirrors has been done to death? And yet, it just happens that, while giving it a go on a cold [...]

2022-12-31T18:00:08+00:00December 31st, 2022|Essay, Film, Games|


Times are desperate. We often hear talk of the “end of the world” as a moment, or an event, that occurs dramatically—the terminal point of humanity, life, the planet, the solar system etc. Yet both myths and cartoons teach us that the end of the world is not so much an event as it is [...]

2022-07-12T19:35:32+00:00July 12th, 2022|Games|


“But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy” - Ludacris PART 1: ANDRÉ & THE ALIENS New Mexico, 1942. On a dusty road between Taos, and Roswell… Deep Night. And in our great solitude, we orbit. We? We, the translucents. The wireframe ones. We, the thousand-years young. The still air shifts beneath us—a car is seen [...]

2021-07-27T01:48:10+00:00July 26th, 2021|Essay, Games|

After People

Absence is its own kind of presence. Uncertainty and breakdown of categorical delineation is a space of possibility. -Ghost Paper Archives The “After People” project is fascinating new collective mythological endeavor from a group called the Ghost Paper Archives. A kind of game played across different locations in which the reporters explore, photograph, characterize and [...]

2021-06-08T02:24:27+00:00April 29th, 2021|Games, News|

Closet Games

Times of tumult call for tumultuous imaginations. There is a wonderful germ lurking in the 19th century romantic genre of “closet drama”. The term is usually applied to an unhinged dramatic production by some radical poet, so vast or unusual in concept, and so beyond the realm of possibility, as to be unstageable. Could this [...]

2020-09-23T11:59:12+00:00September 15th, 2020|Essay, Games|

Too Many Captain Cooks

(A Game from Anthony Redmond) “Too many Captain Cooks” -Rembarrnga man, Paddy Wainburrangga In 2020, as colonial Australia commemorates its founding myth on the 250th anniversary of the arrival of Capt. James Cook’s death ships along the eastern seaboard of Australia and New Zealand, a global revolt is erupting against state violence in settler colonies. [...]

2020-08-10T18:57:10+00:00July 18th, 2020|Games|

The Treasure is Below the Third Pyramid

“I tried one syllable words like am, art, it and off. The Egg trembled very slightly, without communicating any meaning to me.” -Leonora Carrington, The Stone Door I am by myself. I have in front of me a disorienting booklet entitled “Clues to MEANING”. The front cover depicts three people, one young, one old, one [...]

2020-04-22T10:53:11+00:00April 21st, 2020|Essay, Games, Prose|
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