A captivating new book of images and texts (or should we say, charms?) has appeared under the appropriate title of Verbomancy. A new kind of inverse prophecy appears here by means of a strange game. Rather than simply combine images and text in a predictable manner, Sasha Vlad began by finding or creating images and then supplying his future commentator with only a small clue as to what it would contain. From that morsel, Dan Stanciu would extrapolate an extended poetic commentary or companion text to the unseen image. The resulting tension works remarkably well; the texts are relevant enough to HOOK onto the clue while meandering in all kinds of fascinating and unexpected directions:

(clue: cow)
In the vicinity of a walking milk spring, all roads (even
those hidden in an anti-road cover) break and the
dynamic constructions appear, many of them inaccessible
to the awaken eye.

“My hope—says Sasha Vlad—was to discover unexpected things through this largely “telepathic” process.” The compounding energy of the book seems to grow as the game heats up. Elements carry through and a dynamic sense of play emerges that doesn’t run dry, but only gets more enigmatic, funny, charming, even uncanny… Sasha Vlad also provides a very interesting introductory text on the genesis and progress of the game, ultimately concluding: “Chance and telepathy seem to verbalize with everything.”

Those interested in purchasing the book, or receiving it in digital form, can contact Sasha Vlad directly at: vlad4text@aol.com