The Akasha Suite by John Richardson
The Akasha Suite, a marvelous new collection of collage and writing has just been released by John Richardson. 'An exquisite combination of text and image, in a fantastic voyage into the Unknown and the [...]
Paramormyrops ntotom
A new mormyrid has been discovered, "Paramormyrops ntotom". Come up with a common name or some hidden characteristics for this curious new elephant fish. What are its Hobbies, birth sign, favorite books, life story? Is [...]
Translation Game
Rules: Write a surrealist translation of poem in a language which you cannot read. Josef Janda original: Steven Cline: 5 Dinosaur Eggs Proclaim on the very drizzly land 5 Dinosaur Eggs A piece of Vlad’s [...]
Recent Flood Activity by Jason Abdelhadi
March 4, 2016 I read a comic in which Little Nemo’s bedroom is flooded. “After the storm subsided he discovered the land he was on to be moving swiftly through the water but the voice [...]
The Grass Plot Round A Sun-Dial by Jason Abdelhadi
Do you know who is in your garden? Is it a pronoun combined with a chronological list of achievements? Or is it a self-conscious spell, projecting itself on various situations? Does it cast a shadow [...]
New book from Dark Windows Press
ANDRÉ BRETON’S ARCANE 17: A LODESTAR FOR THE 21st CENTURY A CONTEMPORARY CELEBRATION is from an idea by Patrick Lepetit, John Richardson & John Welson and includes contributions from: Jean Bonnin, Miguel de Carvalho, Jean-Claude [...]
The Hartley Mob
"The gangsters of the Hartley Mob, who made their rendezvous in the dives around Broadway and Houston street, were attracting much attention by using a hearse and carriages to transport their plunder through the streets. [...]
Surrealist realism by Jesús Garcías Rodriguez & Bruno Jacobs
We recently found out through Facebook that an “International Surrealist Exhibition” took place in the Municipal Museum of Cartago in Costa Rica (free admission), which shares a logo with a certain Camaleonart Foundation — Art [...]
Activities of the Surrealist Group in Madrid: 2013 – 2016
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Mythic Beasts Who Play Cards
In the 1943 Surrealist ranking of mythic beasts, the chimera reached a respectable #2, just falling short of the sphinx but still on top of such heavy hitters as the sirens, the basilisk and the [...]
End Notes from the Aquatic Lanthorn by Jason Abdelhadi
My object here is simply to project the draught of a systematisation of Cetology. I am the architect, not the builder. But it is a ponderous task; no ordinary letter-sorter in the Post Office is [...]
The enemies of poetry have always been obsessed with making it a slave to their immediate ends. They see jet bombers without thinking of Icarus. Benjamin Péret On December 19, 2016, the gatekeepers of discourse [...]
Postal Transmogrification
SC: The desire has come to me recently to step back and “file a report” on the mailings we have been pursuing for the past two years. We started with the primary goal of creating [...]