
L’Ouverture de la Chasse by Guy Girard

February 25th, 2018|Poetry|

L’OUVERTURE DE LA CHASSE A Jason Abdelhadi   Il n’y a pas qu’en ce pays que les bonshommes de neige font la courte échelle aux corbeaux pour qu’ils plantent d’étranges fleurs sur les nuages et [...]


January 6th, 2018|Essay|

A dark morning, the sun is blue today. Yes, and a down going movement is in order. The seaside cave is dripping with sighs on the side of the white spectral cliffs. I (but not [...]

The Archaeology of Hope

January 2nd, 2018|News|

It's very exciting to see that the catalogue for the Archaeology of Hope, an international surrealist game, exhibition and ritual held on the Isle of Wight in 2017, is now available from Head Louse Press. This [...]


December 5th, 2017|Dreams|

An oneiric communication from Bruno Jacobs to Jason Abdelhadi, December 4th 2017: "Last night I dreamed that I saw the following internet publication of yours, ELEKTRON. I think that it was a kind of newsletter, [...]

Michel Zimbacca – Libre Moiseau

October 11th, 2017|News|

Parisian surrealist Michel Zimbacca's first solo exhibition will be taking place soon in Paris: LIBRE MOISEAU Paintings, collages, drawings, objects October 14th-28th 2017 Vernissage on the 14th, from 6:00-10:00 p.m. Closing Event on the 18th, [...]

Oneiric Warning by Jason Abdelhadi

October 8th, 2017|Dreams|

One night as I was drifting off to sleep, the idea occurred to me that, just like a film, the start of a dream might also be preceded by a sort of copyright infringement warning: [...]

Hagstone Review—Rings A Bell

September 1st, 2017|Object, Prose|

In the creepiest corner of the commodity market, among the cheapest and most embarrassing DREGS of garage sales and bargain bins and used-book stores, a new spirit is forming from the misshapen, the forgotten, the [...]

Erotic Substitution

July 9th, 2017|Games|

Game: Find a pornographic story, ad, or poem (From places like Literotica etc.) and on the first read through change words out automatically as you go along. Steven Desperate to Sponge Ch. 03 Freud had [...]

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