Of note, an upcoming collection of poems by Joël Gayraud from Pierre Mainard editions, based on encounters with sculptures in the studio of the surrealist sculptor Virginia Tentindo. In (a translation) of the author’s own [...]
A Cage for Every Child – S.D. Chrostowska
News on the horizon of a new book of stories from S.D. Chrostowska that are bound to be of interest to marvel hunters everywhere as well as anyone who enjoyed her previous oneirico-utopian novel The [...]
After People
Absence is its own kind of presence. Uncertainty and breakdown of categorical delineation is a space of possibility. -Ghost Paper Archives The “After People” project is fascinating new collective mythological endeavor from a group called [...]
For Michel Zimbacca – Joël Gayraud
A translation of a recent dedication by Joël Gayraud for Michel Zimbacca. The original french text follows below. For Michel Zimbacca In reply to the stifling question from the teacher: “Well kids! What do you [...]
Michel Zimbacca – 1924-2021
Michel Zimbacca 29 July 1924 - April 1 2021 Screenshots from the film L’Invention du monde (Michel Zimbacca & Jean-Louis Bédouin, 1953) (subtitles translated by Kenneth Cox) Quetzalcoatl, le serpent emplumé (Michel Zimbacca, 1952) Ni [...]
A blistering blueprint torn from several angles
Open letter to academic students of surrealism By Mattias Forshage 1. We share a passion. But we are on different sides of a fence. We started off with some kind of negotiating back in ’66 [...]
Darkside Blues Game
The film selected for this game was done so before any of the participants had seen it or knew much about it. The questions were compiled relatively quickly based on associations, chance, random ideas—risking everything [...]
A Surrealist Almanac for 2020
At long last, the Surrealist Almanac for 2020 has been released! A download link for the PDF can be found here. Edited by Tim White, the idea behind the theme was "to create a surrealist [...]
Film by Steven Cline / Soundtrack by Casi Cline
October, hello! Welcome back, welcome. You kitschweird diamond, you! Withoutadoubt, the most surrealist of all our months. Smileyface. And we love it too, we really do. That special spectral time-of-year, October—when the ol’ veil-between-worlds is [...]
Closet Games
Times of tumult call for tumultuous imaginations. There is a wonderful germ lurking in the 19th century romantic genre of “closet drama”. The term is usually applied to an unhinged dramatic production by some radical [...]
The Art of Pins
A pin in the worm A pin in the teacher A pin in the eye of a scientist A pin in Eyjafjallajökull A pin at Waterloo A pin in the brain of Mendeleev A pin [...]