Michel Zimbacca

29 July 1924 – April 1 2021

Screenshots from the film L’Invention du monde (Michel Zimbacca & Jean-Louis Bédouin, 1953) (subtitles translated by Kenneth Cox)

Quetzalcoatl, le serpent emplumé (Michel Zimbacca, 1952)

Ni d’Eve, ni d’Adam (Michel Zimbacca, 1969)


A touching and very enthralling tribute from Joël Gayraud can be read here


According to what words do with us at night, from which day and night are made, evacuation and refilling, magnificence and misery, emptiness and fullness, suffering and pleasure; whatever may be the narrowness of the pass through which the unconscious and the conscious communicate, their names may soon be interchangeable according to the phases of a life recognized for its potential of daily reinvention, as with a longer range.

Rather than being fixed by the architectures of our fears, to be repeated in all ideals and material recompense, the world will no longer travel in us, through our real condition reconquered, unless it be to illuminate the flight of long anticipated desires.

From Michel Zimbacca, Conseil de nuit (Advice of the night, available in English translation here)