PAUL GARON – 1942-2022
“To have only a few years left on earth as a man is really no cause for alarm. Already I have begun considering the virtues of frogdom, and my only complaint is that I may [...]
To Loiter: To delay an activity with aimless idle stop and pauses; Dawdle, to remain in an area for no obvious reason: hang around, to lag behind. Loiterer... Loitering is a crime, prosecutable and enforceable [...]
Times are desperate. We often hear talk of the “end of the world” as a moment, or an event, that occurs dramatically—the terminal point of humanity, life, the planet, the solar system etc. Yet both [...]
Egregore Documentary Featuring: Steven Cline, Hazel Cline, Aaron Dylan Kearns, Juli Maria Kearns, Megan Leach, Steve Morrison Egregore soundscape: Hazel Cline, Martin Kearns Egregorrhea #6 - Surrealist Egregores, Or, How To Take A Collect [...]
A bewildered looking Wimpy on a melancholic grey beach, with a darkening sky. Unlike his usual outfit he has a stovepipe hat on and is carrying a bundle possibly full of coal. We are advised [...]
Inventar By Dan Stanciu and Sasha Vlad 96 pages of poetic texts in Romanian, with illustrations Published by Locul Tare 2022 We are very pleased to note a new collaborative project from Dan Stanciu and [...]
Amok! by Steven Cline is out now with essays on Surrealism, Busby Berkeley, Santa Claus, Guinea Pig 6: Mermaid in the Manhole, the initiatory aspect of haunted houses, the eroticism of dinosaurs, π, revolution as [...]
Egregore – The Exhibit Book
An exhibition by the Atlanta Surrealist Group. In the eclipse of Me within We, a marvelous Egregore waits. Don’t keep it waiting. Full Color Book B&W Book Free PDF Download Issuu Link Soundscape
There Ain’t No Such Animal
A quiz program on the topic of surrealist exhibitions by Jason Abdelhadi If, as Hegel says, “at night all cows are black”, imagine how much more complicated the matter gets when it comes to exhibitions, [...]
EGREGORE – An Exhibition by the Atlanta Surrealist Group
Egregore—a very strange beast. A spectral entity created inside the alchemical furnace of true collectivity, an external spirit which surpasses all its individual components. It is the “something more than”, it is the “space between”, [...]
Most rational people believe in evolution. Some rarer few believe in spontaneous combustion. Only the surrealist believes in the cheerful combination of both. This entails a certain concession to circumstances, to wit: you can’t please [...]
Reports of nocturnal encounters with little furry cultural agents are increasing, typically in neighbourhood parking lots, back alleys and dumpsters. The animals in question may look cute and try to solicit sponsorships. “In fact,” says [...]
“But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy” - Ludacris PART 1: ANDRÉ & THE ALIENS New Mexico, 1942. On a dusty road between Taos, and Roswell… Deep Night. And in our great solitude, we orbit. [...]
SECRETS & JOURNEYS – Mattias Forshage
SECRETS & JOURNEYS: Aspects of surrealist organising and integrity By Mattias Forshage Available for order here Aspects of surrealist organising and integrity. Four essays from winter 2020-2021 by Mattias Forshage. Including: * No secrets of [...]
General Bibliography of Surrealism in Spanish
Bibliografía General del Surrealismo en Castellano; Surrealistas y preursores; Recepción en Europa y América Latina (General Bibliography of Surrealism in Spanish; Surrealists and precursors; reception in Europe and Latin America) By Juan Carlos Otaño Seriemusidora, [...]