LaDonna Smith

The Sublime Station of Travel

On pondering the subjective comprehension of the re-invention of travel, I have concluded that the subconscious manifestation of the highest form of the travel experience is universally an awareness that will be present between Lifetimes. This shall include the recurrence of memories, dreams, images, imaginings, lights, colors, darkness and tunnels, revelations, thoughts, philosophies, manifestations, and the ultimate Void of the Great Sleep.

The glissandos of language shred all musical terms, obscured in falling debris of exploded stars, becoming the dust from which life evolves. The sound of earthworms carving tunnels through black dirt, creating caverns in which new life evolves and transforms into higher forms of natural evolution, the music of life is the silent passage of creation, excavata!

Example: the trans-sexual euglena, unclassifiable both plant and animal, photosynthetic chlorophyllite and unicellular, propellant in water by flagellates, travelling at the speed of Creation? Its Flagellum are whip-like structures at the front of the euglena cells which propel it into motion. The euglena has two flagella. One is longer as seen under a microscope, but the other is short without protrusion from the cells. The flagella function is to help the euglena swim. Swimming in the context of Dream-space could be similarly propelled by an external noise, or a distant memory, sans whip. Perhaps a more seductive intruder could enter unexpectedly to carry the consciousness forward and upward above the sleeping suspect of the Dreamer. And certainly, the cross-over from Life to Death should be the most remarkable vehicle of travel not previously witnessed, but that of which we all obtain a ticket to ride.

Let not the dreamer be comforted by envisions of disjointed memories and projections of waking Life, but to be transported in a wave of disassociated Void that has lost all connection with its Origin. There is no destination to be obtained in the travel adventure of the mind’s eye! Let there be a magic carpet of imagery that emerges freely from the well of the Unknown, that which gives no context, but remains a Mystery.

For Mystery and Adventure is the true destination of Travel. That occult assembly of curiosity and naiveté, that which is openly visualized without effort, and which is unpremeditated, but which rises before the EYE of the Mind and the traveler is free, unattached, and out of control. For the ship has sailed, and there is no destination, only the movie that the protagonist portrays in the moment, before it vanishes, and is forgotten. That is the unfortunate status of travel. It never lasts. Before the very observation is consummate, it is over. And the traveler returns, always returns, just like that the splash of the space shuttle, into an awakening of a stark reality that suddenly changes the scene to the realization of a return to a shocking and tactile illusion. And that is Life. Pinch me! Yes, I have returned.

Death as the Remarkable Vehicle of Travel by Ladonna Smith