Neko Linda Williams

A Fishy Elephant

“We are surrealists. Both elephant and fish.”

Dugongs: Herbivorous marine mammals related to elephants. Fossil record extending over 50 million years. Endangered species.
There are 32 United States military bases on Okinawa Island and 26,000 U.S. military personnel stationed there. 62% of all United States bases in Japan are on Okinawa. They cover 25% of Okinawa island (60 miles long and not more than 20 miles wide in most places)

May 6, 2020
SAN FRANCISCO – Environmental groups lost their bid to prevent a military base from being built on Okinawa, Japan, a project they claim will further decimate a species of manatee that used to thrive in the area. A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled Wednesday that the Department of Defense had met its burden to take into account the new base’s effect on the island under Section 402 of the National Historic Preservation Act, including consulting local cultural experts.

The Trilobite: Now extinct for over 250 million years, had a pair of eyes. Each eye contained about 10,000 tiny eyes that produced a picture to its brain, something like a torn-up photograph.

Horseshoe Crab: Related to spiders. Survived the last three mass extinctions. Now over harvested by pharmaceutical companies for their ‘blue blood’ purification properties.

Adam’s Rib Was A Retrovirus
“Without retroviruses mammals would still be laying eggs, and that includes humans.” – Kelsey Coolahan

Perceptual Blindness
Columbus, Founding Fathers, Slavery, Lynchings, Rape, Religion

The False Mirror: painting by Magritte

HAL’s Eye: 2001 A Space Odyssey

“The eye would not be able to see the sun if, in a manner, it were/was not itself a sun.” – Plotinus (205-270 AD