Maurizio Brancaleoni

Maurizio Brancaleoni
La femme à la chevelure de feu de bois.
To Breton
he would
interweave a dream-image
with umbrellas
houses whose walls were studded with sparrows
did he fill
with the riskiest female sexual fantasies, namely, mirrors
alongside with toads
& electric ingots etc.
for thus he willed
chambers shot through with a sense of forlornness
where an erratic yellow haze dwelt
he dared fathom bravely
the tide bringin’ in a glittering flesh ring, furry tyres, la slavitude
(for instance)
sure ’nuff these were objects throbbing like a clock
or a supermodel burying ground
particularly replete
naught would be left alone
and everything reconsidered
in the eternity to come
Writer and translator, up to now he has published over twenty poems and short stories in several Italian collections and journals as well as in the previous issues of Peculiar Mormyrid. In 2015 he graduated in Languages and Translation at Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis which aimed to show how Hugo Claus’ novel The Sorrow of Belgium might be regarded as a grotesque counterpart of Joyce’s Portrait. In the same year he was one of the three winners of a poetry competition on non-places with his poem uno o l’altro verso tante direzioni comunque (toverse here or there a lot of directions anyway). Interviews, reviews and translations are (ir)regularly posted on his bilingual blog “Leisure Spot”. He also contributes as a translator to various websites and journals such as Rivista!unaspecie or Fischi di carta.