LaDonna Smith

The Gut Cave

The gut cave. My goodness! Think of all the tiny characters, micro-biotic structures and entities swimming in the ocean of my own stomach; black, brown, white, crimson, blue, colorless. Gastric micro-organisms, parasitic bacteria, pathogen colonization and acid secretions constantly in motion and alive are the deep internal weapons of Life. Happy Birthday to Mexico! Consider putting down some black beans and jalapeño peppers, along with some pulverized corn tortillas, green onions and red tomatoes suddenly becoming ambushed as in quicksand, long after the entry into the red cavern lined with white molars, the stalactites and stalagmites of your own mouth! That cave which transforms into a narrow purple tunnel, much like the cat experienced in Alice in Wonderland, the ride down frighteningly entrenching, darkness pervading and lacking electric eels. What was a meal destined to be consumed alive by the crushing rotations of mandibles, covered in mucus sliding along with pulverized particles and mash ending up disintegrating in body acid of your own making. 

And who am I? I believe that I myself am the food, the very stuff that carnivores covet for meals. I believe that I am the cud of cows and giraffes, the remains of insect wings, mandibles, and tentacles gobbled by birds, the heirs of pterodactyl ancestors. What happens when one dives into the deep lake dream by night becoming the universe, the mystery, and the torture chamber where sweet-cakes and cookies destined into this dungeon of churning matter dissolve mysteriously and transmute into energy and waste? What happens when this transformation takes itself on the roller-coaster of thousands of vessels into the thrill of the blood stream where pressures deviate from lows to highs and pulses rush in velocities of anger, fear, and excitement. Alternate lows that induce sleep states and breath holding that deprive upstairs noodles of gray matter of their oxygen, and thus the entire bodily molecular universe dies?

What is death, but a long deep sleep where dreams and nightmares hover and howl, transporting an anonymous victim into the time tunnel unknown to the living? So we are truly awake and asleep at the same time and it is the dream state itself. The great umbilical cord beyond the boundary of mortality is like an image on the movie screen, respite with tales and scenarios beyond the stories we have told ourselves about the after-life, which is contained deep inside the digestive tract after all. What will be consumed and beneficial when the living physical body that I think I am is no more, but merely food for the next mother of circumstance? What is this dust and water that we are told we are made of, that we claim we are, that reclaims us? How did we become a mere universe of acids, atoms and molecules, DNA giving life form while eating away and gut flora transforming matter into energy, for whom? And so back to the gut, slosh destroyer diluted passageway dissolver, digestive fire, a boiler room, an acid shredder, behavior converter, hollow victim of protein and carbohydrate mash, integrating into the flesh machine engaged in human life, the master that destroys its own.

Like the stomach the phenomenon of evolution kills and destroys living organisms which feed on other organisms, killing and destroying, mutating and Life evolves. What is this logic? That everything alive annihilates and consumes until it ceases to exist! From transitive digestion to mutual destruction employed when a particle collides with a corresponding antiparticle as in nuclear physics, as in contradictions and metaphors, as in human activities such as clear cutting, poisoning, bullying, harvesting, eating, sucking, shitting. Such is the habit of parasitical survival. By contrast a paramorphic evolution is needed. To eliminate misery not by chemical structure, but by pseudo-morphology, a process of formation by the change in crystal structures. This secret is carved in caves whose parameters pertain to a glass of magnetic reasoning where liquid oxygen corrodes into a multi polar magnet that manifests a force of attraction, power, charm, the invisible love cord extruding from the chest of the host, the actinic dazzling white light that is produced by the burning of magnesium, signaling internal pyrotechnics! This magic exemplifies change and the shape shifting form of creation! The art of producing agencies beyond a certain awakened power by means of force, a condition of currents and magnification. By contrast, larva, worms, and the principal of survival from decay is justification and proof of force majeure. Masticating, swallowing, devouring for nourishment while excrement and waste seethe outward, releasing sustentation like the molten liquid of a volcano forms hard rock. The softer, less purified variety of life is home to maggots that inexplicably transform themselves into living monsters of beauty that fly.

It is difficult to eavesdrop on the inner world that manifests in the belly. For example, take a swimming pool, all the stuff that falls into it from trees, flying insects committing kamikaze, the microbes within its chemical constitution, and the pee. What’s in the pee? We are told that there are vitamins, and that it is good to drink, keeping prisoners alive in the holding camps of war, and the rich sources of minerals in feces. Fertilizer for the crops we eat. Why then, are we obsessed with sterility? Why spray deadly poisons to kill bugs? Aren’t there trillions of bugs in the gut, the cave of life? Are not the microbial entities with vitamins, protein, calcium, and live cultures the very essence of the fire dances in the waters of gut micro biota? Why do we fear the habitation of internal viruses and bacteria? Because we know they kill, yet they also make the organism alive and vital. How can there be more than one answer?

Does this indicate that the past and present exist simultaneously in different dimensions? It has been conjectured by scientists and described in the movie, What the Bleep do we know? But we’ve always known that when there is a war raging in the belly, when the bowels blow their contents, when we feel like the sky is falling from the deepest cavern of our internal passageways, do we then eat some flesh and still pretend we are vegetarians knowing that we are committing fraud and the crime of willful victimization of the self. The duality and truth of this ambiguity resides deep in the belly of the real God, the made-up answer to the questions that can’t be answered. So deep, so deep, so deep.