Joël Gayraud


start off on the right foot
suitcase in hand
foot well-booted
a boot with a serrated sole
for leaving its print
on the dust of the roads
the dust that will be gone tomorrow

A red boot on the left foot
a green boot on the right foot
the red to make you blush
the whitebills
the bleubites
and vegetarians
the green one to make verdant
chameleons in the thickets
dry leaves in herbaria
the yellow laughter of predators
and the mid-summer causse

Leave carrying
the dented suitcase
the brown leather suitcase
the suitcase that contains
all the memories of past trips
the pebbles
tram tickets
entrance tickets
faded postcards
that we did not send
the rings off smoked cigars
in the moistness of a tropic
or the shivering of a winter
coasters brought back
from some forgotten continents
and who start to dance
the rounds of bars and kisses
that go back to the depths of the past
the Testa d’Albisola bar
Schade café in Copenhagen
Club 64 in Hong-Kong
Alphabet City’s Two A
the Nautic Club in Microlimano
the Floridita of Havana
Alfama’s unnamed bistro
the Cabane sur la Maine in Montreal
among other pubs
and bars
and dives
hardly more select
who braid
a necklace of drunkenness
around my memory

And when we come back
Suitcase a little more dented
Which we hold in our hands
heavy with other stones
other used banknotes
other holed tickets
other coasters
other pictures
more kisses
more kisses
who will follow us
or not
until next