Aaron Dylan Kearns

Golden Elevator

Despite the dream being in monochrome, I could tell that the elevator I was inside was made out of gold. Or at least painted with reflective golden paint. It was the kind of deal where the reflective walls gave it an infinite mirroring effect. While closed in, you feel like you’re in a larger space that’s built up from tiny compartments filled with replicates of you and the other passengers. There was a bell just above the ceiling, I couldn’t tell if it was also metal or bronze. There were two other men in the elevator, both suited. I got the impression that they were doctors or dentists despite not talking to them. Their shoulders were broad, crossing to form a wall that blocked off the door. Pteranodon heads stuck out from their collars from invisible necks. Their heads shook and made percussive rattling sounds. The elevator was stuck and the bell wouldn’t stop ringing.