Bessie A. Ficklen – Dream-Poetry (1891)

Brief introduction to an oneiricist aunty Every once in a while another hidden ancestor will pop up in the most unlikely of spots. We think it’s important to bring these missing links to light wherever possible, and to celebrate the often hidden efforts of dreamworld explorers of all times and eras… Oh there you are, [...]

2020-01-04T16:04:49+00:00February 3rd, 2019|Dreams, Essay|

Mormyridean themes and games – an open letter…

A recent email from RW Spryszak allowed me to voice some thoughts on the question of Peculiar Mormyrid's themes and games, their uses and abuses... Hi RW, This has nothing to do with your sub which we haven’t read yet, but I wanted to send a personal side-note from me on the "theme" question, something [...]

2018-10-22T22:31:12+00:00October 22nd, 2018|Essay|

Tourist Trap (1979) – Jason Abdelhadi

Automatic response after watching the film Tourist Trap (1979)  Yes the broken manikin is the ending, this is a film about endings like all mannequins are in fact over and done with humans (wait, who with whom?) Discarded mentality is what this flurry of axes with makeup, how their lovely mouths flip open with a [...]

2020-01-28T18:48:57+00:00September 3rd, 2018|Essay, Image|

Some Irrational Reviews of Universalizing Objects

A Green Ceramic Creature signed “Sharon MacDonald, H., 1914” Price: 1.99 This object seems very good for what it is. On the one hand it is clearly dog, but on the other, it isn’t at all. It is quite smooth and green. When I first glanced it, I assumed it was something more particular. My [...]

2020-01-04T16:19:23+00:00April 6th, 2018|Essay, Object, Prose|


A dark morning, the sun is blue today. Yes, and a down going movement is in order. The seaside cave is dripping with sighs on the side of the white spectral cliffs. I (but not I) climb down, roughing up the vegetation with unworthy steps. A vaginal hole the approximate size of an ash leaf [...]

2018-01-09T01:36:16+00:00January 6th, 2018|Essay|

Recent Flood Activity by Jason Abdelhadi

March 4, 2016 I read a comic in which Little Nemo’s bedroom is flooded. “After the storm subsided he discovered the land he was on to be moving swiftly through the water but the voice allayed his fears.” April 13, 2016 I note down the following quotation from Victor Hugo: “Revolt is a sort of [...]

2020-01-04T16:20:43+00:00May 8th, 2017|Essay|

The Grass Plot Round A Sun-Dial by Jason Abdelhadi

Do you know who is in your garden? Is it a pronoun combined with a chronological list of achievements? Or is it a self-conscious spell, projecting itself on various situations? Does it cast a shadow at brillig? Does it salivate over its own legend? Or is it starving to escape its own fixity, in a [...]

2020-01-04T16:25:48+00:00April 3rd, 2017|Essay, Poetry|

Surrealist realism by Jesús Garcías Rodriguez & Bruno Jacobs

We recently found out through Facebook that an “International Surrealist Exhibition” took place in the Municipal Museum of Cartago in Costa Rica (free admission), which shares a logo with a certain Camaleonart Foundation — Art and Entertainment (and that is precisely what it is to a large extent nowadays). It deals with no less than [...]

2017-02-25T13:46:43+00:00February 19th, 2017|Essay, Uncategorized|

End Notes from the Aquatic Lanthorn by Jason Abdelhadi

My object here is simply to project the draught of a systematisation of Cetology. I am the architect, not the builder. But it is a ponderous task; no ordinary letter-sorter in the Post Office is equal to it. To grope down into the bottom of the sea after them; to have one’s hands among the [...]

2017-02-25T12:07:19+00:00January 14th, 2017|Essay|
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