Happy Holidays from Peculiar Mormyrid!
Tis the season? July 3rd, 2018. This was the date of my very first sighting, the first hint of the shadow to come. I’d found its birthsack in south Georgia, on the second floor of [...]
Cooking Soluble Fish With Banana Oil
Out into the world to see Who’s Who and What’s Not -Count Screwloose In baseball parlance, a “screwball” is the opposite of a “straight pitch”, that is, a trick play, an unforeseen or erratic tactic. [...]
L’Homme sans horizon – Joël Gayraud
A new book by Joël Gayraud is available here L’Homme sans horizon At the beginning of the millennium, after the collapse of the Eastern bloc, the horizon of humanity has been abruptly shuttered. On an [...]
“Only by despairing, and then despairing of despair, can mankind begin truly to see and to act consciously in the service of the marvelous. This preliminary violation of the rules prepares the way for an [...]
The Cenacles and the Limelight
Recently we have seen a wave, an inflation of events and exhibitions called “surrealist.” One of its characteristics is the notable presence of sponsorship logos, most of them representing more or less official cultural institutions. [...]
Polymorph Bodyshop Opening Night
POLYMORPH BODYSHOP PARTICIPANTS Jason Abdelhadi, Michele Bachelet, Maria Brothers, Steven Cline, Casi Cline, Peggy Cline, Paul Cowdell, William Davison, Rikki Ducornet, Merl Fluin, Mattias Forshage, Kathleen Fox, Sebastián Jiménez Galindo, Javier Galvez, Joël Gayraud, [...]
His Body is a Crow is a collection of surrealist poems by Steven Cline. They are a signalsign from a unknown place. A place of strange entities and folkloric thingamajigs, of cruelty and sweetness in [...]
Hypnagogic film for your indoor voice, please!
Scene I A flower spreads open in black and white with a tentacle for each petal. One cloudy day this plant will gesture threateningly to a line of elementary students in front of their [...]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekaih9VqwaY A film by House of Mysticum
An Attempt at Busby Berkeley Exegesis
Love will take you by the hand And lead you to its wonderland Forget about your rainbow schemes Spin a little web of dreams Busby Berkeley is the hermetic tardigrade of cinema. Busby becomes our [...]
Merl Fluin – The Golden Cut
The much anticipated surrealist western from Merl Fluin is now available! From the Gorgon in Furs blog: Ante up, dreamers… Circus stunt rider TJ Breckenridge is devastated when her horse Cowhead is snatched from the [...]
Bessie A. Ficklen – Dream-Poetry (1891)
Brief introduction to an oneiricist aunty Every once in a while another hidden ancestor will pop up in the most unlikely of spots. We think it’s important to bring these missing links to light wherever [...]
Joël Gayraud – The Attic of the Abyss
It often happens that some confirmation signal comes in after one of our issues has wrapped up. We welcome this as an indication that the game is not finished, that the exploration continues, and that [...]
When the cat comes…
Kirsty Woods has started a new blog of marvelous "excess imagery" created by herself (and sometimes, Izzy the cat). http://whenthecatcomes.blogspot.com/