Weekly Question
Time Travelers' Potlatch In Time-Travelers' Potlatch, each player indicates the gift that she/he would present to various historical, mythical, or fictional figures on the occasion of their meeting. Marquis de Sade: Leonora Carrington: Winston Churchill: [...]
Weekly Question
Write a 25-word short story that incorporates all of the following words (answers will be posted on website blog): Scorched Cream Raven Dough Flailing Casi Cline: The cream-filled scorched dough epiphanies were the only delight [...]
Weekly Question
Make your own surrealist superstitions or proverbs. Casi Cline: "To ensure a female child will be marriageable, the father must smear her forehead with the milk of the largest bull in the county during every [...]
Weekly Question
Weekly Question 1) What does surrealism taste like? 2) What is its texture? David Nadeau - 1) Surrealism tastes like aromatical herbs unknown to mankind since the Paleolithic. 2) Its texture is made of furs [...]
Water Mormyrid – A Dream Record
I was a mormyrid composed of water. It was the most horrifying and yet delicious sense I had ever experienced. I could suddenly feel the sharp edges of my teeth fray from my eyeballs, like [...]
Garden Gar – A Perplexing Dream
A swarm of gar infested my back-yard vegetable garden. Whenever I ventured outdoors they gathered around me, attempting to nip at my ankles and ribs with their snapping jaws and elongated teeth. An expert on [...]
Poetik Gun – David Nadeau
When I took this decayed root of oak in my hand, it became a golden revolver, assorted with diamonds and belts. As if it had been seen in a dream of marvelous murders and [...]
Two Dreams
Casi Cline I was walking through an empty airport, and I had the feeling that the world had been ending for a thousand years. My flesh was dripping and I needed a place for repairs. [...]