Alkaline in cerulean by Tim White
a botany of regurgitated mountains, a shard of samurai - the Turin shroud chewed by rotten teeth flames of unguent giraffe in a legato of air signs - alkaline in cerulean glutinous geometries merge as [...]
Eat Your President For Breakfast
Shittttttt! The long and tiresome campaign of President Posterior (elect) has revealed to home audiences (we can hardly call the unmobilized American masses anything else) the dyspeptic underbelly of the liberal-democratic fantasy. Locked within the [...]
Lovecraftian Acrostics by Jason Abdelhadi
Game Played on the Night of October 12th, 2016 at St. John’s (King’s) Churchyard, 271 North Main Street, Providence, Rhode Island Poe knew of this place, & is said to have wandered among its whispering [...]
Advice from Palmyra
Advice from Palmyra is part of a larger collective project from some of us in Ottawa called "Chimera in IPA". The results are below. - Jason Abdelhadi From Chimera in IPA #2 Save
The Cenote
Night passes and I wake from an imageless slumber. I push myself out from my dark water cocoon and jerkily climb up the side of the Sacred Cenote, up towards the sun and its warmth. [...]
Surrealize the Pipeline
Surrealist game in solidarity with the indigenous protectors and their allies at Standing Rock Sioux who are refusing the imposition of an environmentally catastrophic pipeline across their land. Questions 1. Instead of [...]
AGAIN BE AWARE by Arthur Spota
ARIES HOROSCOPE: (As translated from Japanese) AGAIN BE AWARE Keep your fingertips, dear Aries. Keep your spirit so that it will find this spot in the soup, vacuum the water cooler tellin' jokes and so [...]
On Certain Possibilities of the Irrational Embellishment of Living Surrealism by Jason Abdelhadi
It's of note that today the monster is accruing yet more status in the shared mythos of rebellion. As before, it retains the honorable title of destroyer of men and cities, and also its long [...]
The Head of Doctor Faustus as He Appeared By Chance in the Dirt by Jason Abdelhadi
[BENVOLIO strikes off FAUSTUS' head.] His head is off. - The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlowe On the evening of Friday, July 29th 2016, I was walking on Mackenzie Avenue in downtown Ottawa, directly in [...]
a storehouse full of athletes
Collaborative game with Stephen Kirin, Karl Howeth, Jason Abdelhadi, Casi Cline, Maurizio Brancaleoni, Maria Brothers, Dale Houstman, and Craig S Wilson. The circus folk were lonely between the trees, and they leaned against the wall [...]
Poems by TD Typaldos
PENITENTIARY'S GATE As a wolf I'm coming near to you to devour your heart Lie down at your ankles as a dead dove Camel rider to Sivas oasis I‘m folding my turban - a wish [...]
BULB – Word Association Game
Maurizio Brancaleoni BULB(E)'S GIRLFRIEND. Unfinished opening-ending one-chapter post-story (A could-have-been-a-novellette prose minipoemette ). These light bulbs had been prying into my viscera for an indefinite amount of time, heirs to a condition of slavery. He [...]
The Surrealist Group in Paris
Les Fondements de la Mécanique Céleste The Surrealist Group in Paris has just published the results of a stunning theatrical game played in 2014. Combining characters from their collective mythology with the aleatory and blindfolded [...]
In Defense of the Night
For months now the ever expanding and record-breakingly hot Working Day has been trying to apply its pernicious, diurnal HR policies to the darkness. Night's creatures are having none of it. The acute point is [...]
Janice Hathaway – Fluid Solaris
Janice Hathaway's new exhibit, Fluid Solaris, is now on display! The accompanying book also looks fantastic...