About Mormyrid

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So far Mormyrid has created 163 blog entries.

Guy Ducornet

Here are some great collages from a collection called HISTOIRES 100 PAROLES by Guy Ducornet, more to come in issue 3! You can see more of Guy's work at http://www.guyducornet.com/  

2017-02-25T12:07:27+00:00April 8th, 2016|Image|

Weekly Question

Time Travelers' Potlatch In Time-Travelers' Potlatch, each player indicates the gift that she/he would present to various historical, mythical, or fictional figures on the occasion of their meeting. Marquis de Sade: Leonora Carrington: Winston Churchill: Franz Kafka: Elvis Presley: Al Capone: Ashley Deflaminis: Marquis de Sade: A shredded corn dish. Leonora Carrington: Lemons in a [...]

2017-02-25T12:07:27+00:00June 3rd, 2015|Games|

Weekly Question

Write a 25-word short story that incorporates all of the following words (answers will be posted on website blog): Scorched Cream Raven Dough Flailing Casi Cline: The cream-filled scorched dough epiphanies were the only delight of the pastry chefs doomed to a lifetime of panicked flailing in the Raven’s infernal kitchen. Steven Cline: The scorched [...]

2017-02-25T12:07:27+00:00May 17th, 2015|Games|

Weekly Question

Make your own surrealist superstitions or proverbs. Casi Cline: "To ensure a female child will be marriageable, the father must smear her forehead with the milk of the largest bull in the county during every new moon until the first menstrus cycle is successfully completed." Steven Cline: "Counting backwards from 17 can be dangerous, often [...]

2016-11-30T02:58:17+00:00April 26th, 2015|Games|

Weekly Question

Weekly Question 1) What does surrealism taste like? 2) What is its texture? David Nadeau - 1) Surrealism tastes like aromatical herbs unknown to mankind since the Paleolithic. 2) Its texture is made of furs and claws. Steven Cline - 1) Strawberries covered in melted white cheese. 2) A sharp metal mesh Casi Cline - [...]

2016-11-30T02:58:30+00:00April 18th, 2015|Games|

Water Mormyrid – A Dream Record

I was a mormyrid composed of water. It was the most horrifying and yet delicious sense I had ever experienced. I could suddenly feel the sharp edges of my teeth fray from my eyeballs, like beams of light coming through a window on a warm Sunday morning. - contributed by Ashley DeFlaminis

2016-11-30T02:58:43+00:00April 18th, 2015|Dreams|

Garden Gar – A Perplexing Dream

A swarm of gar infested my back-yard vegetable garden. Whenever I ventured outdoors they gathered around me, attempting to nip at my ankles and ribs with their snapping jaws and elongated teeth. An expert on the matter informed me that a liberal spraying of lemon juice would help rid my garden of the infestation. Unfortunately [...]

2017-02-25T12:07:27+00:00April 15th, 2015|Dreams|
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