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So far Mormyrid has created 165 blog entries.

Michel Zimbacca – Libre Moiseau

Parisian surrealist Michel Zimbacca's first solo exhibition will be taking place soon in Paris: LIBRE MOISEAU Paintings, collages, drawings, objects October 14th-28th 2017 Vernissage on the 14th, from 6:00-10:00 p.m. Closing Event on the 18th, 8:00 p.m. (poetry readings and films) L’USINE 102 BOULEVARD DE LA VILLETTE 75019 PARIS Tel : 01 42 00 40 [...]

2017-10-11T21:02:41+00:00October 11th, 2017|News|

Oneiric Warning by Jason Abdelhadi

One night as I was drifting off to sleep, the idea occurred to me that, just like a film, the start of a dream might also be preceded by a sort of copyright infringement warning: WARNING: The unauthorized repression or alteration of this dream is illegal. Criminal subconscious infringement, including infringement that results in monetary [...]

2017-10-08T20:44:37+00:00October 8th, 2017|Dreams|

Hagstone Review—Rings A Bell

In the creepiest corner of the commodity market, among the cheapest and most embarrassing DREGS of garage sales and bargain bins and used-book stores, a new spirit is forming from the misshapen, the forgotten, the uncanny leftovers of the literary. HAGSTONE REVIEWS seek to unearth these eso-erotic atavisms for the world at large, in the [...]

2017-09-01T15:04:58+00:00September 1st, 2017|Object, Prose|

Erotic Substitution

Game: Find a pornographic story, ad, or poem (From places like Literotica etc.) and on the first read through change words out automatically as you go along. Steven Desperate to Sponge Ch. 03 Freud had always fantasized about being controlled by a Ostrich, being told when to pontificate and when not to pontificate, but he [...]

2017-07-09T16:38:50+00:00July 9th, 2017|Games|

Drawing game

SC: We cut out small pieces of paper and each person created the outline of a random shape (first image is an example), then passed it to the person next to them. That person filled in what they saw and so on. A few results below. Save Save Save Save Save Save

2017-07-09T16:11:42+00:00July 9th, 2017|Games|

Rikki Ducornet & Margie McDonald – Crazy Happy

Crazy Happy June 29 - July 30 Painted Scrolls by Rikki Ducornet & Sculpture by Margie McDonald Northwind Gallery, Port Townsend, WA, 2017. In my book of essays, The Deep Zoo, I wonder: What if, just as the traces of our earliest forms persist encoded in our genes, a golden age persists deep within the [...]

2017-07-04T19:24:35+00:00July 4th, 2017|Image, News|

Translation Game – with Josef Janda & Václav Švankmajer

Rules: Write a surrealist translation of poem in a language which you cannot read. Václav Švankmajer original: Casi Cline Prevent Saliva Miscarriage no cracks present just skulls to visit predispositions deliriously … mate radishes noble and just stands nighttime, an abyss to scare …a chief just might know me to be lost? a protozoan acclivity [...]

2017-06-23T21:34:30+00:00June 22nd, 2017|Uncategorized|
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