About Mormyrid

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So far Mormyrid has created 165 blog entries.

Some Irrational Reviews of Universalizing Objects

A Green Ceramic Creature signed “Sharon MacDonald, H., 1914” Price: 1.99 This object seems very good for what it is. On the one hand it is clearly dog, but on the other, it isn’t at all. It is quite smooth and green. When I first glanced it, I assumed it was something more particular. My [...]

2020-01-04T16:19:23+00:00April 6th, 2018|Essay, Object, Prose|

Joël Gayraud and Pierre Peuchmaurd

It's worth announcing two new French books for 2018 (and that will shortly be available in Québec): To start, the first ever reprint of surrealist poet Pierre Peuchmaurd's Plus Vivants Que Jamais, (with an introduction by Joël Gayraud) published when he was 20 years old shortly after May '68: "Just between two cobblestones passed from one hand to [...]

2018-02-27T03:49:05+00:00February 27th, 2018|News|

L’Ouverture de la Chasse by Guy Girard

L’OUVERTURE DE LA CHASSE A Jason Abdelhadi   Il n’y a pas qu’en ce pays que les bonshommes de neige font la courte échelle aux corbeaux pour qu’ils plantent d’étranges fleurs sur les nuages et des herbes et des lianes et des cactus et des dents de loups montées en collier par les gens de [...]

2018-03-13T01:07:34+00:00February 25th, 2018|Poetry|

Sex Organ Inquiry

What does a sex act involving no living organisms look like? CC: The androgynous Chaos locked in eternal masturbation. JA: A richter scale in action during a seismic event DC: Geophysics CW: No one can see sex between the dead without spectral vision goggles and I’ve temporarily misplaced mine somewhere between Sierra Leone and the [...]

2020-04-10T17:02:58+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Inquiry|

A Few Words on the Candles in the Bookstore by Ethan Vilu

It was a truly beautiful and elegant store, oblong and wooden, with giant curved shelves of books stacked high, up and into a painted, domed ceiling. Titles ranged from the universally known to the utterly esoteric, and there were journals and postcards, and travel guides to all of the wonders of the world. There were [...]

2018-01-13T14:46:00+00:00January 13th, 2018|Dreams|


A dark morning, the sun is blue today. Yes, and a down going movement is in order. The seaside cave is dripping with sighs on the side of the white spectral cliffs. I (but not I) climb down, roughing up the vegetation with unworthy steps. A vaginal hole the approximate size of an ash leaf [...]

2018-01-09T01:36:16+00:00January 6th, 2018|Essay|

The Archaeology of Hope

It's very exciting to see that the catalogue for the Archaeology of Hope, an international surrealist game, exhibition and ritual held on the Isle of Wight in 2017, is now available from Head Louse Press. This gorgeous catalogue contains many strange and shocking wonders from the surrealist future. "The Archaeology of Hope was launched on the [...]

2018-01-02T03:24:55+00:00January 2nd, 2018|News|


An oneiric communication from Bruno Jacobs to Jason Abdelhadi, December 4th 2017: "Last night I dreamed that I saw the following internet publication of yours, ELEKTRON. I think that it was a kind of newsletter, and it looked quite exactly like this anyway, with paragraphs that didn’t really make sense to me, including odd numbers [...]

2019-12-27T20:07:06+00:00December 5th, 2017|Dreams|

Mattias Forshage – and some unexplained occurrences of aquatic faunas

and some unexplained occurrences of aquatic faunas By Mattias Forshage Head Louse Press & Peculiar Mormyrid Press Print Copy | Appendix Volume: Dream Stories Print Copy | Free Ebook MATTIAS FORSHAGE  The semi-aquatic and internationally suspect entity who dared speak out in favour of notorious bathyscopy, and who writes of:  Savage carnivores that prowl [...]

2017-10-29T17:10:43+00:00October 29th, 2017|News|
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