At that point of the mind where thought refracts into action and the subtle shiver of a synapse becomes a blunt object…

SOMETHING still hovers above all nuanced rationalizations for the administration of empire.

SOMETHING stirs for the total liberation of thought and life from the artificial constraints placed upon them by the so-called realisms of the justifying powers.

SOME VOICES FROM THE ABYSS are resounding in their support for individuals to unshackle themselves from the mechanisms of control, and likewise for colonized peoples to overthrow their oppressors. To disrupt systems of control without the hesitations and qualms and reservations of those who peddle the ersatz-comfort of false consciousness, of hollow liberal centrism, racist one-upmanship and moral relativity.

Any surrealism, any revolutionary outlook worthy of its heritage stands at this exact moment, I reckon, with the Palestinians, against any zionism, against the pseudo-state of Israel, against its bombings, impending ground incursions and ongoing massacres, against the current knotwork of empire and aircraft carriers and threatening double-speak, insinuations and spectacle, against the erasure of history and the forced displacement of indigenous peoples, against the repression of free expression and legitimate protest, against false pretenses and real genocides, and against any middling excuses for the actual impending destruction of the world.

Already beneath the many protests happening right now around the globe, hypocritically outlawed and denigrated by the decrepit, tottering managers of the empire of “freedom”, a new fissure is opening. People once all too happy to play along with the corrupt logics of exposure begin to abandon their comfortable “platforms” and learn, quickly, the necessity of the clandestine. And on the other hand, the once camouflaged dangers to individual and collective safety are suddenly rendered transparent to even those sitting comfortably at home in the west.  Contradictions ooze out of the  so-called “humanitarian” ideals of the “rules based order”; an ideological communications framework stretched to its limit trying to justify multi-headed wholesale slaughter in Palestine, West Asia, and everywhere. They will obviously say anything and do anything to hold it together. It won’t matter in the end. In the phrase “Free Palestine” many now see for the first time in a long while the emergent dialectical possibility of their own freedom; that in the midst of total occupation Palestine is somehow freeing the whole world.

-Pazuzu of Flatbush (a nagging voice at the back of the head)
October 20, 2023