Time Travelers’ Potlatch
In Time-Travelers’ Potlatch, each player indicates the gift that she/he would present to various historical, mythical, or fictional figures on the occasion of their meeting.
Marquis de Sade:
Leonora Carrington:
Winston Churchill:
Franz Kafka:
Elvis Presley:
Al Capone:
Ashley Deflaminis:
Marquis de Sade: A shredded corn dish.
Leonora Carrington: Lemons in a shimmery spoon.
Winston Churchill: Donkeys and Elephants soaring through the island breeze.
Franz Kafka: A hawaiian tiki on a shoe tread.
Elvis Preseley: 3 oranges, 2 sponges, and 5 wishes in steamy pot.
Al Capone: Flexible bricks holding fossilized eels.
Steven Cline:
Marquis de Sade: Five strokes of luck
Leonora Carrington: A golden elixir, or two drops of bread
Winston Churchill: A tall white hat
Franz Kafka: A shadow to follow him around
Elvis Presley: Flaming guitar
Al Capone: A tall black hat
Casi Cline
Marquis de Sade: A Mud Mask
Leonora Carrington: A Sphinx
Winston Churchill: Toupée
Franz Kafka: A friend
Elvis Presley: A banana
Al Capone: A Chisel
Angel Dionne:
Marquis de Sade: Reticulated laughter in a bowl
Leonora Carrington: Seared pineapple cubes
Winston Churchill: A box of screams
Franz Kafka: Spherical genitalia
Elvis Presley: Bedazzled onion blossom
Al Capone: A pine tree with an unpredictable temper